Friday, November 23, 2012


While I was pregnant I let go of some of the dietary changes I had made for environmental reasons. I ate fewer vegetarian meals and more dairy and fish. One thing I held onto was that I still tried to buy the best fish I could according to the Forest & Bird Best Fish Guide

It's pretty hard to find fish species from the green section of the guide, especially at supermarkets. One of the best fish I bought was trevally, from the fish shop at the top of Cuba St. 

It's pretty under-rated, I reckon. I served it up to dinner guests one night and it was great. My guests liked it so much they even asked what kind of fish it was.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Suburban Compost Mum

It's been a long time since my last post and in that time my life has radically changed.

Since January I've moved in with my partner - which has involved moving from an inner city apartment to a house in the suburbs of Lower Hutt - and we've had a baby.

This has been a huge challenge to many of my "green" practices. I'm no longer a free and easy singleton who has plenty of disposable income, makes all the decisions in their domestic life and lives within walking distance of everything. Now our income has halved, I have to negotiate a compromise with my partner on all the household systems (recycling, grocery shopping, cleaning) and it's a mission to go anywhere without driving. Plus I've got a baby to think about.

Meanwhile climate change hasn't gone away, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch hasn't got any smaller and species are still becoming extinct. How am I going to figure out how to keep sustainability a part of my life as a suburban mum?