I've hunted down three brands:

Munro have the craziest website ever (yet kind of brilliant in its simplicity): http://www.munroclothing.com/
But I'm pretty sure they must be the same knickers described on the Greenlist as made in NZ out of fabric offcuts: http://www.greenlist.co.nz/Sustainable/Eco-Friendly/656/Underwear--Made-In-NZ-From-Fabric-Offcuts.aspx
Munro now has a shop on Cuba St, and is no longer selling them through Good Score in Island Bay.
Cute, bright, comfy, a bit more sexy than Fanny Adams.

Then there are Thunderpants ... http://www.thunderpants.co.nz/go/home/
The pair I bought were size "small", the same as I'd bought for the other brands ... unfortunately for me these were in fact size "too small".
The design is much the same as Fanny Adams, so they probably perform similarly. And the packaging is 100% plastic-free.
Available at Madame Fancy Pants ($28) and Frutti (where they're only $25) on Cuba St and The Vault and Voon on Willis.
Verdict: Love the fabric patterns (the only knickers I've ever owned with insects on!). They're probably excellent, if I'd gone for the more generous size.
Fanny Adams
[Photo coming when the washing is dry!]
But my favourite so far are Fanny Adams: www.fannyadams.co.nz
Like they say on their business card: no sagging, no riding up, no visible panty line. Perfection in a pair of undies!
I bought mine at the craft fair in Nelson, but you can buy them through their website too. Tempting ...
Verdict: Supercomfy and cute, plus they're the cheapest of the bunch!
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